Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ron.Bell |air.Mugler

Is my Hommie.

Where do I begin? First of all, brotha can dance. When I think "Bellair", images of west African dance, Alvin Ailey, leaps, fan kicks, 6'oclock stretches, cunty catwalk, Katherine Duhnam, Martha Graham, and Debbie Allen...... all within that solid compact tiny lil frame.

Bellair. He has the hugest heart, ya'll. Supportive to his friends. & Friends = Family for him.

People Love him

He's Sexy

& Once you meet him...

You'll be so glad you did. :)

Happy Birthday Ron, You are an angel on this Earth.Thanks for showing me right from wrong - even though , being a Virgo, I'm never really wrong, just misinformed . *wink*

Love you much.

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