Last week, the party continued on at Plush NYC. It was my very first time at that venue. I ihad heard alot of things about it. Good things. Nothing I had heard had prepared me for the fun & sweat that greeted me when I came through the doors.
Rain sleet or snow? None can stop a HotBoyz party.
It was hawt, ya'll. Marco Hall is not only an incredibly talented designer, but 1 hell of a dancer, and a really cool guy. Usually I see his clothing while looking at the crowd below as I ride the disco ball. All the "it" girls and boys-who-like-girls-clothing posture, dance, and ooze an air of fabulocity in his clothes. Wildly patterned chiffon creations adorn them, and they love him for it.
I luv me some Marco because he is a bugg-out and I consider him a friend.
Amanda Lepore is my homegirl. You know, like Jesus. I mean, she doesnt turn water into wine, or feed the masses on fish and bread, but she's totally that chick that'll wake the dead and never have I ever heard or seen her cast the first stone.
She's really cool.
See how Awesome Amanda is in the slide show below. Also included in this slide show are Andre J and Muthafvkin Jonte' ! All pics were taken at the Marco Hall Spring 2008 Fashion Show... More from that later.
Im a favorite son of Texas with plans for Brooklyn. I am The Peoples Photographer. I champion their beauty with my eye and soul. oh yeah - I took every last pic on this blog. If I'm in it, the time was used. Enjoy!